Since Christmas I have been getting a “good morning” text from an old friend of mine. This morning was not just the regular Good morning, Corn Bread (their nickname for me). This morning he asked me, “What are your New Year’s resolutions?” I responded and then he gave me his in this order, “to become financially successful and responsible, to be happy and to get closer to God”. Now reflecting on my scripture for today, Matthew 6:33, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need”, I thought ok here is my opportunity. My response to him, “The others will happen as you make the last thing on your list the first. Matthew 6:33 says to seek the kingdom of God FIRST”. His response was the kicker for me, “I am trynna do the small things first so it doesn’t seem like I am struggling to change”. HUH?
Over some time I have noticed that some people who are “trying to get closer to God” seem a little backwards. Like, I am going to stop cursing, stop drinking and fornicating and THEN start going back to church and getting into my word. BACKWARDS!!!! How can you stop doing those things without help from God? That is impossible cuz! It makes me think about Jesus speaking to the rich young man in Matthew 19. At the end of speaking to his disciples He said “With man this is impossible but with God all things are possible”. In your on strength one cannot conquer things that are separating you from Christ (Sin).
It kills me when people think that they have to get well before they go to the hospital. LOL! If He is a healer (Exodus 15:26), what makes folks think that they have to be well before they come to Him? Duh! Is that not common sense to go to the Doctor when you are sick and the symptoms aren’t going away with the medicine(your own strength) that you are using?
My Remedy:
“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”.
He is the way and the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through him. You are not gonna make it on your own.
I will tell you like I told my friend, “What you call the ‘small things’ will not bne conquered unitl you seek the BIGGEST THING! You can’t do the small things without the BIG God!
I am done!
Hope Deferred
12 years ago
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